The Corbin School of Innovation’s FLEX option is a public virtual style education for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. The FLEX students attendance is virtual on a digital schedule with virtual meetings and study labs weekly. Students are offered opportunities to attend select elective classes in person, as well as some field trips.
Virtual public school students in FLEX do not have a tuition but do have required attendance in person for state testing. *Details of this based on grade level are available upon consultation. See our Contact/ Enrollment pages for the application.
*Corbin Independent Schools begins August 26, 2024 and space for enrollment is limited at this time.
High school students in FLEX can pursue their career goals, earning certificates at the Corbin -Area Technology Center or Somerset Community College dual credit courses while completing their core subjects digitally. Dual credit courses are offered for both academic and vocational studies. (EKU, University of the Cumberlands, Somerset Community College)
Our program focuses on self-paced and personalized learning by immersing students in rigorous content through educational software guided by teachers. "Our teachers here at the Corbin School of Innovation care tremendously about their students and are willing to help students in any way they can. Students are able to receive one-on-one mentoring to help them with their online core subjects as well as find their career path in life. " J. Martinez

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High school career pathway options.
Business & Entrepreneurship
Education, Human Services & Counseling
Media & Video Production
Automotive Technology
Aerospace Engineering
Industrial/Mechanical Engineering
Welding Technology
Health Sciences
Law Enforcement